By Larry Ray Hafley (Recently, a young couple called and wanted to study the Bible. The young lady is a Presbyterian who is facing serious objections from her parents. Her parents do not accept the Bible as the standard of authority, and they believe that if one accepts “Church of Christ dogma,” they will “send” all …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Relieving the Pressure
By Edward O. Bragwell Sr. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance of their own desires” (2 Tim. 4:3, NASV). When one’s standard of conduct begins to bind his con-duct, something must give. He may alter …
Fulfilled Prophecy: Introduction of Isaiah
By Harry R. Osborne If we accept the fact that there is a God and that he created this world, how can we know that he is the same God we read about in the Bible? How can we know that the Bible is his product? Does the Bible show any evidence of having a source …
Continue reading “Fulfilled Prophecy: Introduction of Isaiah”
“Preach Christ And Not A Plan”?
By Donald Townsley Down through the years since I have been preaching the gospel, there have been (and still are) men who advocated that we should preach Christ and not a plan of salvation. They phrase it this way: “Preach the man and not the plan.” They seem to think that one cannot preach a plan …