By Larry Ray Hafley (From Seventy Years On The Frontier, by Alexander Majors, we seize this selection.) The beaver “is an animal possessed of great intelligence, as the amount and kind of work accomplished by it show. It is a natural-born engineer, as connected with water; it can build dams across small streams that…hold the water …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Romans 14 in Application
By Mike Willis The charge has frequently been made that affirming that Romans 14 is limited in application to matters of indifference effectively “guts” the chapter of any meaning. Sometimes the speaker will affirm that in all of the matters on which brethren are disagreed one of the parties believes that the matter under discussion is …
Babble in Bible Classes, Piffle and Pablum from Pulpits
By James P. Needham “Are we the Bible believing and Bible preaching people we once were? Do we still carry that reputation in the community? Or do we have babble in our Bible classes and piffle and pablum from our pulpits?” My father used to tell about a man in the community where he once lived: …
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Living Together
By Don Wright “Living together” as opposed to marriage is becoming more popular every day. It seems that many no longer view marriage as honorable. It is an unnecessary thing of the past in the eyes of a growing number of people. In a handful of states, unmarried couples who live together long enough are as …