By Robert F Turner Freedom … The word is almost sacred to the American people, and over the world today it stirs great hope and aspirations. Our Declaration of Independence calls it an “inalienable” right and a truth “self evident.” What is the source of this freedom, and what does it mean to us? Free agency, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Is Everything Worship?
By Johnie Edwards While reading an article in the December 1995 issue of Look Magazine, the article quoted HaKeem Olajuwon as saying that he considers the game of basketball, “an act of worship.” Olajuwon is a Muslim with Allah as his god. Evidently there are a lot of people who think every-thing they do is worship …
Who Will Fill Their Shoes?
By Mike Willis The passing of 1995 has claimed the lives of several faithful servants of Christ. We mourn their passing and honor their memory. Among those who have gone to their reward this past year the following immediately come to one’s mind: Paul Keller, Leslie Diestelkamp, and Jody Copeland. I have had limited contact with …
Faith in the Person or the Plan of Christ?
By Larry Ray Hafley As our readers may know, we have been in controversy with those who declare that they see a danger among us. The danger, they say, is this; we have put our faith in the Bible, in the word, and not in him who is “the Word.” While they agree that we must …
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