By Don Willis While sitting in two different air-ports as I returned from a gospel meeting, I purchased a local newspaper. Reading the religioun page of The Indianapolis Star (April 27, 1996, C-8), a shocking realization overcame me at what had entered the open door of digression! “Light of the World church sets celebration of prayer …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
What Shall I do with the Gospel?
By Norman Midgette The answer to this question is simple, yet most religious people miss some part of it. Some say you are saved without doing anything. Others say it is all up to God’s predestination. If you are predestined to be saved, so be it. If you are predestined to be lost, too bad. Still …
The Silence of Women
By W.L. Blanton 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 have been pointed out to the membership and myself recently to mean that women cannot speak once they enter into the church building, nor can they teach children or other women, nor answer any questions when taught by a man, but to be in silence. Such …
Kill the Messenger
By Tom M. Roberts In ancient Oriental kingdoms, messengers who brought a monarch bad news often suffered the penalty of death. Woe to the messenger who had to tell the king that his army had suffered defeat at the hands of the enemy, that a beloved family member had died, that affairs of state were in …