One day a neighbor came to our door with a Bible in hand which his mother had given him. He had been crying. He told me that he had just learned that his mother had died. He said that his mother had wanted him to start going to church, that he didn’t know much about …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Worship God!
By Louis J. Sharp Much is being written and spoken concerning worship we offer to God. From the January 1996 issue of the Christian Chronicle we offer two quotes as specific examples: Among churches of Christ today many questions are being asked, and disputes sometimes are being raised, about worship. These questions generally focus on methodology …
Lincoln and Criticism
By Tom Kelton Criticism is often a gift from someone who knows what you have done wrong and is kind enough to tell you about it. When this is the case the critic is your best friend. At other times critics are wrong and the latest critic is not necessarily the truest prophet. Such was the …
Respect of Persons
By H.E. Phillips Every time I see or hear of this I think of the scene the Lord gave of the judgment in Matthew 25. He said the treatment one gives to “one of the least of these my brethren” is the treatment given to the Lord. You just remember this: what you do (or do …