Rejoicing in the Work of the Lord!

By Harry Persaud Paul wrote Philippians from the Roman jail where he was imprisoned for the gospel’s sake. He rejoiced in spite of much opposition and persecution because “Christ is preached” (Phil. 1:7, 18). Knowing his brethren at Philippi would suffer “the same conflict,” he taught them to be al-ways “in nothing terrified by your adversaries,” …

Divine Authority and Christ

By Connie W. Adams God, as creator, has ultimate authority over everything created. Paul said on Mars Hill that “God made heaven and earth and all things therein”: and then concluded by saying “he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world”(Acts 17:24-31). When we say “God created” we must include Jesus Christ …

Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness

By Mike Willis “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psa. 29:2). Holiness has a beauty all of its own. There is something marvelous about a character that is pure in heart, without guile, devoted to the Lord’s service, lovely, and loveable. The beauty of …

Millions Then Living Are Now Dead!

By Thomas Bunting In 1918 the Jehovah Witnesses preached and published a book, “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” Ever since then they have, on several occasions, predicted the coming of Christ and the establishment of an earthly kingdom. The date from which their calculations were made was 1914. I remember well that in conversation with …