‘Tis sweet to grow old in the fear of the Lord, When we cease our tasks one by one; When His strong right hand helps us stand, Till the last day’s labor is done. ‘Tis sweet to grow old in the fear of the Lord; To live ‘neath His loving restraints; ‘Tis sweet to …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Least That I Can Do
By Jeff DeVaney It seems that, as time passes, people are becoming lazy. Most tend to seek the easy way out in the things they do. This is due perhaps to the technological advances that we have around us today. Most of the things we have are in-tended to make life easier. There is nothing wrong …
Gone But Not Forgotten
By James W. Adams We would not bring you back again to us, Brave Soldiers of Redemption’s bloody Cross, But wish for yesterday, we often do As we remember you and mourn our loss. Churches which you served yet love, work, and live. You would be proud of them if you were here. The truth which …
Mastering Self (4) How to Apply Meekness
By Donnie V. Rader Previously we have defined meekness and considered the passages that demand that we be meek as the Lord was meek. In this study we will list some areas wherein we need to apply meekness. Remember that meekness involves: (a) humility toward God and man, (b) submission to God’s will, (c) accepting the …