Jesus Stayed With Vital Matters

By Dan King Every teacher has experienced difficulty with class control at one time or another, possibly many times. Students like to get the teacher off on peripheral or incidental matters in order to avoid having to do some assignment or to slow progress so as to minimize work on their own part. Discipline on the …

Preaching Trip to the Philippine Islands January – February 1996

By Jim McDonald Preaching at Infanta, Quezon When the seminar at Resurreccion was past, R.J. and I bade each other a sad farewell. He had given nearly three weeks of his time to the Philippine work and had been warmly received by them. Ben Cruz and his family had come to the Resurreccion lectures and R.J. …

Last Article of Series How To Develop Self-Discipline

By Donnie V. Rader Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34). This series has been about learning to deny our-selves  learning to control or master ourselves. We have seen that God demands self-denial (part 1). We saw that we must …