By Mike Willis Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins (Prov 10:12). This proverb contrasts the actions of love and hatred. These serve as checks to us to see how we feel toward others. I don’t know any home that could not benefit from less strife, so maybe this proverb teaches us something about …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Irvin Himmel A pitfall is a concealed trap, a danger not easily recognized, a snare. All who travel the road of life need to be on guard. Strong Drink is a Pitfall Many do not realize how addictive alcoholic drinks can be. The Bible warns, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever …
Can You Count the Apples in a Seed?
By Dennis Gulledge The late B. C. Goodpasture used to tell of a time when James A. Harding held a gospel meeting in Clark County, Kentucky. The year was 1877. When an elder of the church was asked about it, he said it was “. . . not much of a meeting. Oh, brother Harding did …
So You Want a Preacher?
By H.E. Phillips A number of churches, large and small, are now looking for preachers. Through the years I have read many appeals, and have received a number of requests to help find preachers to fill the vacant pulpits across the nation. Brethren are learning that it is much more difficult to find a good preacher …