By Ferrell Jenkins Northeast of Van we took highway E99 toward Dogubayazit (pronounced doe-BYE-a-zit). We stopped to look at a beautiful waterfall at Muradiye. Some of the guide books say that this road is bad, but we found it to be one of the best we traveled. This may be because it is used by the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Divine Authority and the Scriptures
By Connie W. Adams God the Father, sent Jesus into the world who was “Immanuel, God with us.” God speaks to us in these last days in his Son and we dare not refuse him. To do so is to refuse the one who sent him. Jesus chose apostles and trained them while he was yet …
Grief Is A Long Journey
By Joyce Jamerson Spring is a wonderful time, a time of renewal and promise. The signs of Spring are everywhere as one season releases itself to another. For the grieving, the seasons are almost unnoticeable for in sorrow, one seems to be observing life instead of really living it. As time drags on, birthdays, anniversaries, and …
Worship in Home Forbidden
By Wayne Sullivan In December 1993 a small group of people began meeting for worship in Crestview, Florida. The church is meeting in the home of Greg and Cindi Smith and is known as the Live Oak Church of Christ. The attendance for the first worship service was around ten, but they now have about …