By Carlos M. Aguilar Those that inhale, inject, drink, snort, or by whatever means they put chemicals into their bodies have become a tragedy, spinning uncontrollably towards death. Not only do drug users destroy their own lives, but the effect of their dependence stretches out to many people. It is to this lifestyle that many succumb …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
What Is Wrong With Dancing?
By Jeff Griess Before we answer this question, we must first under-stand that some forms of dancing do not involve male and female interaction, and are not sinful (Exod. 15:20; 2 Sam. 6:14; Psa. 149:3; 150:4; Jer. 31:13; Ecc. 3:4); while others most certainly do involve sin (Matt. 14:1-12; Exod. 32:19). After reading the latter two …
Wine Is a Mocker
By Alan Hitchen Good men and women with wisdom instinctively fear alcohol. They fear it because it is a portal, a pathway into realms that godly people dare not tread. Considering where it took Lot (Gen. 19: 30-38), and where it takes millions today, the pure both fear and detest what it has the ability to …
The Home: The School of Morality
By Mel Browner Few words, in any language, warm the heart and stir the memory like the word, “home.” Our love for and respect for the home, or lack of love and respect, are a reflection of the teachers or parents in that home. It is well for us to remember that there is always a …