By Larry Ray Hafley So inquired a headline in the Houston Chronicle (November 14, 1996, p. 18A). “Sam Nunn and William Bennett . . . teamed up . . . to launch a commission to study what they say are social pathologies that imperil society. “Nunn, a … Democrat, and Bennett, a leading Republican voice on …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Judging By One Rule, Living By Another
By Harry R. Osborne A few days ago, I listened to a man on television who was publicly criticizing people who publicly criticize others. Does something about that strike you as a little inconsistent? It reminded me of listening to the terrorists a few years ago who justified the killing of innocent people in another country …
Demas Hath Forsaken Me
By Dan King He had forsaken the blood of Jesus that had cleansed him of his sins, and had returned to wallow in the mire of the world … He had forsaken the promise and prospect of heaven itself! Life takes a great many sad turns. There are certainly some very disheartening moments that come our …
A Study of Matthew 19:9 Now, That’s Simple
By Donnie V. Rader A clear and simple understanding of what the Bible says on divorce and remarriage is greatly needed. We are seeing more and more divorces. It is not an uncommon thing for there to be divorces in the family and in the church. We have people wanting to be baptized or place membership …
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