By Steve Willis Roman Pope OKs Darwin This may be “old news,” to you, but it is the first time I’ve had a chance to remark on it. Our Medicine Hat News (Oct. 24, 1996) had the headline: “Pope OKs Darwin’s theory after 137 years.” The article from Reuters news service continued: “Pope John Paul has …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Thirty-Three Million Unborn
By Kenneth Sits A couple of days ago, a “Right To Life” monthly pamphlet came across my desk with this tragic cartoon on the front cover. As a nation, we have had to tolerate legalized abortions for almost 22 years and for many, the test of time has produced the “numbing” effect of indifference and apathy. …
Ups and Downs
By Sam Binkley, Jr. Most of us have our ups and downs in life. There are certain things that contribute to these emotional feelings. Almost without exception our feelings are up when things are going well with us: the money is there to pay the bills when they become due, our health is generally good, all …
Understanding Misunderstood Phrases
By Johnie Edwards There are a lot of phrases in the Word of God which have been misunderstood and abused by many over the years. It is the purpose of this special issue to look at a number of them in the hope that all of us will be motivated to study more to increase our …