By Mike Willis Recent discussion about the nature of Jesus has resulted in one group of brethren taking the position that Jesus gave up the use of his divine at-tributes in becoming a man. The motivation to adopt this position is to show that Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are. We are …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“Be Thou an Example”
By Connie W. Adams One thing which convinces me that the church is a divine institution is the fact that it has survived the sorry example set by so many of its members, and especially some who set themselves forward as preachers of the word. If ever there was a crying need for the admonition that …
Order in Children’s Bible Classes
By Lance Bailles It’s not easy to teach children’s Bible classes. We all owe a very great debt of gratitude to those kind and talented souls who sacrifice their time and sometimes their sanity to open young hearts to the message of Jesus Christ. Let me explain why these teachers deserve more than ordinary credit. First, …
The Kingdom of God Within You
By Roger Hillis “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say “See here!” or “see there!” For indeed the kingdom of God is within you’ (Luke 17:20-21). The first century Pharisees …