By Weldon E. Warnock Far too little preaching, teaching, or writing has been done on the rights of a congregation. How long has it been since you heard or read anything along this line? It would be accurate, I surmise, that many churches think they have no God-given rights, no consideration or voice after they have …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
When Sin Becomes Trivial
By Bobby L. Graham People sometimes indulge themselves in wickedness to the point that it no longer seems wicked. The danger of sin is that it can easily deceive us and eventually lull us to sleep so that our former awareness of God’s will and sin’s violation of that will becomes foreign soil to us. Daily …
“Preaching Christ”
By Jarrod Jacobs There is a cry today by some saying that we need to preach Christ, and not the church. Some say let us preach a Savior, not a system. Even though I am a young man, I believe that I am assessing the situation correctly when I say that you cannot preach Christ without …
“That the Ministry Be Not Blamed”
By P J. Casebolt ” We then, as workers together with him … Giving no offense in anything, that the ministry be not blamed” (2 Cor. 6:1-3). We cannot deny the fact that the apostles played a special role in the ministry of the gospel, as “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:18-21). But as beneficiaries of …