By Raymond C. Fudge In years past the analogy of the old work horse would be easily understood. When the old horse that has toiled for years for his master pulling the plow, milk wagon, or some other implement becomes too aged and feeble, there be-came two choices of action. The master could put the old …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Ellettsville Preacher Training Program
By Connie W. Adams The church at Ellettsville, Indiana has a long history of training men to preach the gospel. Such a program of work dates back to 1879 when W.H. Krutsinger conducted an extensive effort along that line. There was a frame building used as a dormitory and recitation room. This house still stands in …
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“Exposing Error”
By James P. Needham There can be no doubt that ex-posing error is as much a part of preaching the gospel as is the presenting of the positive precepts of divine truth. This is undeniably proven by the following Scriptures: Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the …
Born of the Water and the Spirit
By Mike Willis John’s account of the gospel of Christ relates the conversation that occurred between Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus is described as a Pharisee who was a ruler of the Jews. The Pharisees was the sect among the Jews who were most concerned about personal holiness. However, the sect tended toward self-righteousness and arrogance. Jesus’ …