By Jim Gabbard There is very tragic irony swirling around the recent cult suicides in San Diego. We are constantly reminded from many quarters that we have arrived at such a sophisticated and high level of evolution that we are beyond believing in the myths of ancient religions which beset our poor ignorant forefathers. Yet the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
That Little Fishy Thing
By Lance Bailles You’ve seen it on bumper stickers, business cards, and baseball hats. It’s that little fishy thing, that’s right, the one that sometimes has those funny looking letters on it. To many people, it has become as much a symbol of Christianity as the cross itself. But what does it mean? What are those …
What Happened to Your Hands?
By Richie Thetford Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Before we can live the Christian life we must first know how great this love is that Jesus described. Once we fully understand the love, devotion, and sacrifice that God’s Son …
Burgin/Rader Debate Proposition: “The Scriptures Teach That a Person Put Away For Fornication Has a God-given Right to Marry”
First Affirmative I am very pleased to defend the truth on the issue of divorce and remarriage, in the face of opposition which is equal to any other in the two thousand year history of Christianity. The matter we are to discuss is of grave importance, and it affects many people, both inside and outside …