By Joe R. Price Much is being said these days about a balanced approach to Christianity. Appeals for balanced approaches to preaching and to general Christian living are heard among us. Such scripturally based appeals are always appropriate, needed, and appreciated. Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 teaches we should find the “golden mean” of life by avoiding self-righteousness, conceit, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Getting By With It
By Robert F. Turner “He got by with it!” That colloquial expression means that he was caught. He thinks he “got by with it,” but this is never true. The one who makes the statement knows better, and has already changed his opinion of the one who tried to “get by with it.” There is very …
Witnesses and Bearing Witness for Christ
By Ken Sils The word “witness” appears in God’s holy Scriptures more than one hundred times. It has widespread application and a variety of meanings depending upon the Hebrew or Greek word used and the context in which it is used. The most general definition for the word “witness” is to give testimony. In 2 Corinthians …
Bobby Holmes, “Circuit Rider”
By Leo Henry A Christian is a unique individual. Bobby Holmes is a unique Christian evangelist, on the order of Titus 2:7-8. Bobby is spending February, March, and April (five meeting sites) in the state of Oregon. Between the months of May through November 1997, Bobby’s circuit takes him throughout the state of Washington and northern …