There Are Things Fathers Can Do That Mothers Cannot

By Randy Blackaby There are elements of child-rearing that mothers simply cannot accomplish alone. The greatest mother cannot replace a father. Neither can step-dads, boyfriends, or other males. This isn’t an assault on mothers. It is a plea to recognize the critical role God has given fathers. There was a day when this was broadly understood. …

Duties of Fathers or What Fathers Owe Their Children

By Robert E. Speer “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture (training  NKJV; discipline  NASB) and admonition (instruction  NASB) of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4, KJV). Joshua said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15). He did not say …

Sinful Fathers: Men Who Abdicate Their God-ordained Duties

By Max Dawson Fatherhood is in trouble. We cannot sit idly by while another generation of kids grows into adulthood, half of them not knowing what it is like to have a father in the home! It can be seen in almost any community. See how many kids are being raised in father-less homes. By the …

God and His Son: A Model for Fathers

By Rich Gant My little toddler Betsy has been prompting me lately, by her increasing devotion to me, to take a more careful examination of my attitudes toward the responsibility of fatherhood. Already my stamp of personality is imprinting on her, as it cannot help but do in our baby son, as well. Betsy eats peanut …