Cecil Willis – The Akron Years

By Connie W. Adams Cecil Willis moved to Akron, Ohio in 1958 to work with the Brown Street congregation which had begun in 1941 as a peaceful “swarm” from Thayer Street. Charles M. Campbell had preached there for several years. Cecil followed Jesse Wiseman. The church had grown to over 300 in attendance by the time …

Observations on Thirty Years of Preaching (2)

By Dick Blackford My wife didn’t think the first article on Observations was one of my better attempts at writing. I too, viewed it as mediocre so we were surprised that it sparked several responses. That was also the case with the articles written on this subject at ten and twenty year intervals. I am persuaded …

“G” is from Gray (And Glory)

By Carl McMurray The writer of Ecclesiastes is believed by many (including myself) to have been written by Solomon in his later years, after he learned the mistakes of following after one’s own desires. The picture he paints in chapter 12, of that time of life after youth is gone, is certainly not a pleasant one. …

Cecil Willis: Preaching Christ Through the Written Word

By Ron Halbrook Cecil Willis (March 4, 1932-May 17, 1997) used to say he did not expect to live much beyond forty years, but by God’s grace and providence we were blessed to have him sixty-five years. In the prime years of his work, he was the most devoted, dedicated, and determined preacher of the gospel …