Does Mark 9:38-41 Justify Open Fellowship With All Who Call Jesus Lord?

By H.A. (Buster) Dobbs Some are confused over whether Mark 9:38-41 instructs the disciple of Jesus to accept as saved those who teach things contrary to sound doctrine, especially concerning the plan of redemption. The passage reads: John said unto him, “Teacher, we saw one casting out demons in thy name; and we forbade him, because …

Children Abusing Children

By Steve Willis The Victoria Child Sexual Abuse Society (VCSAS) issued a warning which prompted the entire article. VCSAS Director Peggy Mahony said, “With a small group of children, the behaviors are becoming more severe and more hurtful. It ranges from four- to six-year olds using coercion on younger children to have oral sex, to 11-year …

Summer Fair Special Report: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

By Steve Rudd “Daddy, if the teenage Satan worshipers or the Goths or Druids were to pick a leader, they would choose you .. . they like you!” said Talitha Rudd. “It’s Your Festival”  June 28-July 1 Greetings! The fair was four days from noon to 11 P.M. each night. Here are some of the …