By Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. Recently, I have been asked several times what I thought about Romans 14. I have read a lot of what has been written (including various commentaries) and have heard some preaching on the subject lately in view of the marriage-divorce question. I have yet to hear or read any exegesis of …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Philippine Profiles (1) “My Heart’s Desire…”
By Jim McDonald I met Domingo Dangiwang in May 1994. He attended a lectureship Ken Marrs and I held in Tuguegarao, Cagayan. He was a Catholic when I met him and although there were several who were baptized during the days of that lecture-ship, Domingo declined. The day following the end of our lectureship Rody Gumpad …
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New Priorities
By Donald P. Ames Acts 3 records the account of a man who was born lame. He had to be carried daily to the gate of the city to beg alms from those passing by. I am sure if his life’s survival depended on his alms gathering (and from the text it indeed seemed to), he …
The Mountain of the Lord
By Connie W. Adams From the picture of Jerusalem which had become a harlot and the lodging place of murderers (Isa. 1:21), the prophet Isaiah turns to the brighter prospect of the ideal Jerusalem, or Zion where his government will be respected by “many people” who would “flow unto it” (Isa. 2:2-3) and where peace would …