“The Truth Factor” A Review of “The O’Reilly Factor”

By Steven F. Deaton Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly styles himself as an independent in political matters, which means he is supposed to look at issues in an objective manner. In truth, independents, like “moderates” or those who take a “neutral” stand, often contradict themselves from one issue to another.  Mr. O’Reilly has written a …

Editorial Left-overs

By Connie W. Adams Non-Judgmental In our upside down world one of the greatest compliments is to be described as “non-judgmental.” The “judgmental” person is to be shunned and “judged” (by the “non-judgmental”)as biased, opinionated or worse. While Jesus condemned harsh, unreasoned judgment in the context of Matthew 7:lff, and pointed out that we usually receive …

Examine Yourselves Whether You Be In The Faith

By Luther Blackmon This title is a quotation from 2 Corinthians 15:5. The lusts of the flesh and the maneuvering of some false teachers had led the Corinthian Christians into some grievous sins. The first Corinthian letter, it seems, had corrected most of these sins, and the second letter is much less sharp. Not withstanding …