By Steve Wallace In the spring of 1996 Dennis Scroggins and this writer worked together in spreading the gospel in Kaunas, Lithuania. The theme we chose for the lectures one Sun-day dealt with matters related to the Holy Spirit. When that Sunday came, a small group of Pentecostals were in attendance to hear our words. They …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Philippine Profiles (3)
By Jim McDonald “They groaned because of their burdens” The following is a letter which was received in late June from brethren in Tambobong, Davao City, Mindanao: “Greetings to you all from the Tambobong Church of Christ in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ .. . We here in Tambobong are living in the …
When Do the Tears Stop?
By Jefferson David Tant The day began a little earlier than usual. I woke soon after five, and since sleep had fled, I got up and accomplished a few things in preparation for my trip to Birmingham. There were many things to gather checkbook, will, deed, title, burial policy. Today it was time to go …
Is Marriage to an Unbeliever an Unequal Yoke?
By Weldon E. Warnock The Bible states: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” ( 2 Cor. 6:14). Some have applied this passage through the years to marriage, saying that a believer is prohibited here from marrying an unbeliever. Does Paul include marriage in this text? Let us notice that “be ye not” is a …
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