Conversion Demands Conviction

By Chuck Bartlett During one of his many opportunities to preach the gospel to Roman dignitaries, while incarcerated, the apostle Paul spoke to a governor of Caesarea named Felix (Acts 24:10-25). The message obviously had some effect on this man since we are told, “Felix became frightened” (v. 25). Unfortunately, instead of desiring to know more …

Does Error Honestly Taught Become Truth?

By Dorris V. Rader Two neatly dressed young men came calling at my door a few days ago. They were very polite and courteous. After giving their names, they quickly commented about a sticker near the door that gave warning to any would-be burglars. They inquired if I had considered why we have need for such …

Ichabod in the Pulpit?

By Mike Vestal The name “Ichabod” means “without glory” or “the glory has departed” (1 Sam. 4:20-21). How we should all pray that Ichabod never enters the pulpit! After all, preaching Jesus Christ necessitates proclaiming a message that glorifies and exalts him as Lord, and that remembers what he has done for sinful man (1 Cor. …