Marc W. Gibson On behalf of Harry Osborne and myself, I want to thank Marty Pickup for his response to our article entitled "The Serpent That Was Not There" (Truth Magazine, August 7, 2003). Careful and diligent study of any Bible topic or question of controversy will cause truth to shine and error to be …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Half Right on the Serpent & Satan
by Harry Osborne Before reading this rejoinder, the reader is asked to read and carefully consider the original article, The Serpent That Was Not There, and brother Marty Pickup’s response. The search for truth is assisted by careful and prayerful consideration of all teaching while searching the Scriptures daily to see if the things said …
The Serpent That Was There
Marty Pickup In a recent article for the 2003 Florida College Lectures, I discussed Genesis 3 and the curse that God pronounced on the serpent in the garden of Eden. I apparently expressed myself very poorly, however, because some readers have drawn the conclusion that I thought the Genesis account did not record historical fact …
The Serpent That Was Not There
by Marc W. Gibson & Harry Osborne Throughout history, the truth of God has been assaulted by those interpreting figurative symbols as literal history and by those interpreting literal history as figurative symbols. Premillennialists have advocated their theories by interpreting the figurative symbols of books like Daniel and Revelation as literal history. Those denying the …