Steve Wolfgang What follows is fictional, of course. According to some, it is pure fantasy. Indeed, it is imaginary. As many have said, the truth is often "stranger than fiction." Consider the following hypothetical situation: Imagine a scenario in which you employ a trusted friend of long standing to watch over your home while you …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Christian and Civil Government
Mike Willis The following true cases all involved Christians and families of Christians: • A husband learns that his wife is having an affair with another man. After efforts to get her to cease her affair with the man fail, he files divorce papers against his wife to divorce her for the cause of fornication. …
Statement From The Board
February 23, 2004 In recent weeks many of our readers may have heard about a problem that the Guardian of Truth Foundation experienced. Articles have been written about the problem in at least one paper circulated among brethren, a news report has aired on WBKO television station in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and letters have been …
The Serpent of Genesis 3
The Serpent That Was Not There – Harry Osborne and Marc Gibson The Serpent That Was There – Marty Pickup Half Right on the Serpent and Satan – Harry Osborne The Serpent That Still Was Not There – Marc W. Gibson