By Ray F. Dively By the title of this article you might think these strange teachings are being taught by the Catholic or Protestant churches. But they are not. These are being taught by Christians. I wish to point out a few. “Men do not have to have believing children (Christians) as a qualification to become …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Sad News from the Philippines
By Connie W. Adams Readers of Truth Magazine have been informed of progress in the work of the Lord in the Philippines. There has been much good news to report. Mail last week informed me of the death of two faithful brethren whose loss will be felt. Bartolome Flores On November 3, Bartolome Flores was riding …
“The Pope of the Poor Church”
By Antonio Buta (Brother Antonio But& of Messina, Sicily, Italy, the author of this article, is a faithful Christian and an able, diligent preacher of Christ. He has been fully supported in his work in his homeland by the Pruett and Lobbit Church of Christ in Baytown, Texas for nineteen years. He is the capable editor …
An Open Letter To Hebron Lane Church Elders
Dear Elders, Thank you. Thank you for looking out for our souls (Heb. 13:17). Thank you for ensuring sound teaching is done in the pulpit and Bible classes (Acts 20:28). Thank you for encouraging and supporting preachers to preach the word, in season and out (2 Tim. 4:2-5). Thank you for disciplining the disorderly (2 …
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