Religious Sinners

By Luther Blackmon The devil is not stupid. He is like the chameleon. He changes his color to match his surroundings. Satan knows he doesn’t have to worry about the drunkards, fornicators, murderers, etc. He has them in his clutches. But religious people present another problem. They live in a different atmosphere. So the devil “gets …

How Did the Termite Evolve?

By Fred Melton If you want to see an evolutionist squirm, ask him how the termite evolved. Oh, he will have an answer all right, but you’ll have to try hard to keep a straight face when he explains it to you. According to current evolutionary theory (it’s changed some since Darwin), “natural selection” progressing toward …

Elders Asking for Trouble

By Larry Ray Hafley Elders-have awesome tasks. They lead and feed the flock of God which is among them (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2). They rule the church, “taking the oversight thereof” (1 Them. 5:12; 1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:2). Among the many important duties of shepherds is keeping the flock together, maintaining its unity …