By Joe Neil Clayton When God gave the command to abstain from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He warned Adam and Eve, “. . . in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). We conclude that He meant spiritual death, because Adam and Eve lived …

Carl Ketcherside’s Strange Views of Fellowship (II)

By Ray Ferris Should We Limit Our Fellowship? When we can agree that any meaningful “fellowship” first involves a fellowship with God, we are still faced with the problem of whether to fellowship one another on given occasions. We were told by brother. Ketcherside that there are only three bases upon which fellowship can be scripturally …

The Desperate Fight of the Philippine Liberals

By Cecil Willis It is obvious that the liberals in the Philippines are hurting badly. As the native, faithful Filipino preachers teach the truth among the liberals, serious inroads are being made into the liberal ranks. The liberals are fighting back, with every dirty tactic at their disposal. Many unethical and unchristian acts have been perpetrated …