“The Model Church of Christ, or the Modern Church of Christ, Which?”

By C. D. Plum 1. What do we mean by the model Church of Christ? (1) We mean that one body, the church Jesus established, the pattern (Ps. 127: 1, Matt. 16:18, Eph. 4:4, Col. 3:15). (2) We mean the God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, New Testament style church, without human frills or fancies added by men, …

EDITORIAL — Two Decades of Digression, Dissension, and Division

By Cecil Willis The “Herald of Truth” just had its 20th birthday. The liberal brethren would have one to believe that evangelistic work always has been done through the sponsoring church arrangement. But such is mere historical wishful thinking on the part of our digressive brethren of the 20th Century. From time to time, brethren who …

World Evangelism: Rags to Riches

By Leslie Diestelkamp Fifty years ago most faithful churches were rural groups. Only a few cities in America had more than one or two congregations and many big cities had none at all. Most churches had simple, frame meeting houses with plain plank floors, often unvarnished, and with no class rooms at all. But things have …