By Donald Willis One of the most severe commands that has issued from the mouth of God is the command to repent. This is the most difficult of all the instruction that God has given … due to the arrogance of man. It is extremely hard to admit error, especially when it denotes the secret actions …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Mike Willis Inasmuch as several periodicals have recently reported some cases of Pentecostalism in the church, each of us who preach need to begin a series of sermons grounding our members on the subject of spiritual gifts. Most Pentecostals believe that hyper-emotionalism and ecstatic utterances are signs of the work of the Holy Spirit. Nowhere …
The “Prayer” Amendment
By Lynn Trapp In 1963 in two landmark cases the Supreme Court ruled against devotionals and prayer meetings in public schools which were organized, supported, or supervised by public officials. Since that time a majority of the “devout” (see article by Leo Rogol, Feb. 3, 1972 in Truth Magazine) persons in America have been using their …
What’s Your Question? — Bible Answers to Bible Questions.
By James P. Neddham QUESTION: What is the difference between a church’s receiving funds for evangelism from a trust or a foundation, and its receiving money for evangelism from another church as is practiced in the Herald of Truth? -Tenn. ANSWER: The difference is very basic: a foundation or trust fund is the carrying out of …
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