Ignorance Is Bliss, “Now”?

By Tom Wheeler I see in a UPI release in the Tulsa Daily World, October 25, 1971 some things that evidence the title. A group of so-called “churchwomen” and female liberationists reacted angrily to a stand taken by Episcopal Bishop C. Kilmer Myers. It seems that Myers teaches that Christs masculinity restricts the priesthood to men. …

Philippine Report

By Wallace H. Little Baptisms The work in the Philippine Islands has been especially heartening with a large harvest of souls as indicated by this sampling of my correspondence since my last report. On Mindanao, Virgilio Villaneuva reported two baptisms in Lambayong and Linghanan Sendil seven by Disocoro G. Miparanum in Zamboanaga del sur. Sendil himself …

EDITORIAL — Seers, Sorcerers, and Séances (1)

By Cecil Willis With all the information and enlightenment now at our fingertips, it is astonishing to detect that astrology and black magic should have such a hold upon the people of our land. Astrologers are known by many different names, such as witches, mediators, Satanists, fortune-tellers, magicians (not to be confused with sleight of hand …