By Larry Ray Hafley Acceptable obedience in the sight of the Lord is not the mere mechanical performance of certain duties. God is interested in the heart that prompts the service; whereas man assumes that doing “what God says” is all that is important. The failure to see obedience as the Lord conceives it leads to …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The First FAMILY Trouble
By Billy W. Moore Almost from the beginning of family life there have been family troubles. Trouble is defined as: “To agitate; disturb. To agitate mentally or spiritually; worry. To afflict physically; ail. To put to inconvenience.” (Webster) The Occasion for the First Family Trouble. Unto Adam and Eve were born two sons, Cain and Abel. …
Does God Exist?
By Grant B. Caldwell It would seem obvious that one of the most important questions ever investigated by man is that of the existence of God. Is there in reality a Supreme Being who knows all, understands all, possesses all power, and abides in all places? All of this and much more is included in the …
EDITORIAL — Seers, Sorcerers, and Seances (II)
By Cecil Willis In a previous article, we talked about some of the scriptural proscriptions against astrology, witchcraft, or black magic. This strange mixture of pagan religion, superstition, quackery, and big business is sweeping our land, as I wish to show in this article. See last weeks articles for the scriptures which condemn “star-gazing.” Prevalence Nearly …
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