By Colly Caldwell We have seen that the obligations of each individual Christian to the local church of which he is a member are: (1) to be free from divisiveness (I Cor. 1); (2) to stand firmly upon the word of God (I Cor. 2); (3) to labor for the building up of the body of …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Is The Bible The World of God? (III)
By Grant B. Caldwell One of the most convincing of all the proofs offered in behalf of the proposition that the Bible is the word of God is that of Biblical prophecy. Prophecy is not a thing peculiar to the Bible. Many are the men and women who prophesy freely. The test, however, of a true …
EDITORIAL — The Taproot of Digression (II)
By Cecil Willis In a previous article, I documented from A. T. Degroots book, The Grounds of Division Among Disciples of Christ, that the precise disagreement among brethren a century ago centered around whether the New Testament was ever intended by God to produce a once-for-all-time pattern for the church, as regards worship, mission, and organization. …
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The Voice of God
By James Sanders The voice of God what can be said of it? Multitudes have heard the Word of the Lord but few have heard His voice. God prepared Moses to receive the Law by the voice of a trumpet which grew louder and louder with each note (Ex. 19:19). Every wandering thought was brought home; …