By Grant B. Caldwell Having decided upon the basis of weighty evidences (both internal and external), that the Bible is the word of God, we must determine to what extent we believe it to be so. Modern religious liberals have advanced a somewhat deceiving statement upon those who would be taken by their tactics. It is …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
EDITORIAL — The Taproot of Digression (III)
By Cecil Willis In this series of articles, I have been showing that the denial that the New Testament constitutes a divine blueprint is the basic error of digressives, of every stripe and hue. Thus far, I have discussed the position of those in the liberal Disciples of Christ denomination. In the last article I dealt …
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No Formidable Foes
By William R. John Truth certainly has no foes that are very powerful or awesome. When truth is uttered, man either accepts it or rejects it, but seldom does he actually oppose it. Man, without realizing what truth is, will sometimes make a feeble attempt to oppose it, but truth is so overwhelming that it makes …
Sin Paid for Mr. Barr
By Edward Fudge Several months ago I was downtown Saint Louis on routine business. On the way back to my car, there in the heart of the city, I came upon a man with his hand out. He was poorly dressed … dirty … and needed a shave. A first impulse said to pass him by …