Is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God? (V)

By Grant B. Caldwell We finally come to seemingly the most substantial proof of the Sonship of Jesus, the resurrection. On this hangs the entire system of Christ. Everything we do has in large measure to do with his resurrection. To emphasize the importance of the subject, read I Corinthians 15:1-30. We will not take the …

EDITORIAL — Denominationalism Additional Compromises

By Cecil Willis Like our digressive brethren, denominationalism continually moves further and further away from the truth as it is in Christ. In recent weeks, the Quadrennial United Methodist General Conference was held in Atlanta. The purpose was to rewrite their creed, which is ordinarily done every four years. But at this Conference, drastic changes were …

Set for the Defense — Jerusalem A Sponsoring Church?

By Larry Hafley Various men “at sundry times and divers manners” have attempted to establish authority for a “sponsoring church.” (One that oversees the funds and function of other churches in a work to which all have equal responsibility is designated a “sponsoring church.”) Not a few of these efforts have ranged from the preposterous to …