By John W. Hedge The church which Christ promised to build (Matt. 16:18) was built in the first century and individuals became members thereof. (Acts 2:47) The time and place of its establishment were foretold by Old Testament prophets (Is. 2:24; Zech. 1: 16) along with its permanency. (Dan. 2:44) It was said to have been …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Philippine Report (III)
By Dudley Ross Spears During the second week of our stay in the Philippines we went to Baguio City. Baguio is one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines. It is the summer capital and one of the finest resort and tourist areas. Brother Needham and I were the first two American preachers to visit …
Is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God? (V)
By Grant B. Caldwell We finally come to seemingly the most substantial proof of the Sonship of Jesus, the resurrection. On this hangs the entire system of Christ. Everything we do has in large measure to do with his resurrection. To emphasize the importance of the subject, read I Corinthians 15:1-30. We will not take the …
By Ray Ferris The difference between the little bush that a human foot can smash and the mighty tree that withstands the storm is growth. The difference between the helpless babe in arms and the stalwart lumberjack is growth. The difference between the babe in Christ and the elder in the church or the faithful gospel …