EDITORIAL — Theological Liberalism at Abilene Christian College (I)

By Cecil Willis In the April 20, 1972 issue of the Gospel Guardian, there appeared a lengthy article entitled “Theological Liberalism at Abilene Christian College.” This article was written by a young man who then was a student at ACC, Randall Mark Trainer. Brother Trainer has since graduated and now lives in Austin, Texas. Apparently there …

The Church of the First Century

By John W. Hedge The church which Christ promised to build (Matt. 16:18) was built in the first century and individuals became members thereof. (Acts 2:47) The time and place of its establishment were foretold by Old Testament prophets (Is. 2:24; Zech. 1: 16) along with its permanency. (Dan. 2:44) It was said to have been …