By Robert H. Farish Through the years theories of salvation have been advanced which arrayed grace against Obedience or obedience against grace. These theories beard and read would cause one to think that the two were antithetical rather than complementary. Care should be exercised to speak and write on the indispensableness of obedience without losing sight …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“The Church of Christ (Inc.) – Nigeria”
By Ezekiel Akinemi It has been published in the May, 1972 issue of the Gospel Defender, which I publish, that certain individuals have constituted themselves as the Registered Trustees of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. Brother Eno Otoyo of the Christian Technical School, Oyubia – Oron, who is the present leader of the board, confessed …
Re: Bibliolatry
By Hoyt H. Houchen In the March 23, 1972 issue of Truth Magazine, there appeared a brief excerpt on “Bibliolatry” by brother B. G. Echols. The excerpt is a quotation from an 1881 work of J. Cynddylan Jones of Wales, entitled, “Studies in the Gospel According to St. Matthew.” The comment is as follows: “Some of …
By Cecil Willis Theological Liberalism at Abilene Christian College (III) The last two weeks, I have been discussing an article that affirmed that there is not even a “trend in the direction of theological liberalism” at Abilene Christian College. Please refer to the two preceding articles for an introduction to this article. Last week I began …