By Robert L. McDonald Over the past few months, I have heard and read where some are preparing (intentionally or,” otherwise) the hearts of the brethren for a change of designation of the church. I am not calling into question the motives of brethren who write and speak of the church of our Lord as being …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Cecil Willis Ten Years Ago Truth Magazine is now well into its sixteenth year of publication. Just a few days ago, I completed my tenth year as editor. Ten years represents a good-size chunk out of ones adult, active years. Yet I am nearly the “junior” editor, even among papers published by conservative brethren. A …
And What Shall I Say Now?
By Ray Ferris Along about this time of the year it has been customary for many preachers and editors to have something to say about the immodest apparel that was for years associated with “summer weather.” We bad much to say about shorts, halters, swim-suits, etc. There is no doubt in my mind that such was …
Archaeology and the New Testament (II)
By Mike Willis General Corroboration of Background Material On opening ones New Testament, almost immediately a king named Herod commits an act of almost unbelievable wickedness when he “sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its environs, from two years old and under.”1 Our knowledge of Herod the Great …