By Hershel Patton Sidney J. Harris wrote an article in his syndicated column (Nashville Banner, August 4, 1971) entitled “Catastrophes Begin with a Nail.” Because what he says is so true, I want to copy here the major portion of his column, and then make a few applications of the principle set forth to spiritual matters. …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Archaeology and the New Testament (III)
By Mike Willis Coins At most of the diggings, the archaeologist finds coins which are a great help in classifying the information which comes to light through his work. Coins offer several helps. They are primarily important because they help to date the diggings being one on the site (this was illustrated by the use of …
The Name of the Church
By Robert L. McDonald Over the past few months, I have heard and read where some are preparing (intentionally or,” otherwise) the hearts of the brethren for a change of designation of the church. I am not calling into question the motives of brethren who write and speak of the church of our Lord as being …
By Cecil Willis Ten Years Ago Truth Magazine is now well into its sixteenth year of publication. Just a few days ago, I completed my tenth year as editor. Ten years represents a good-size chunk out of ones adult, active years. Yet I am nearly the “junior” editor, even among papers published by conservative brethren. A …