By Ronald D. Howes As a child at my mothers knee I was accustomed to repeating little nursery rhymes. All of us can remember the one where by a proper manipulation of the fingers we could say and do “here is the church, heres the steeple, open the doors and heres the people.” A similar recitation, …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Who Opened the Door?
By Jeffery Kingry I read recently in Parade magazine, a supplement that comes with the local paper, an article entitled, “More Abortions Than Babies in Eastern Europe.” In Budapest, Hungary for every ten new babies, there are fifteen dead babies by abortion. In Poland the rate is thirteen dead to every ten brought into the world. …
Archaeology and the New Testament (IV)
By Mike Willis Archaeology in General Corroboration of Background and in Dating Books The assortments of names used in the New Testament were names common to that period of history. Through diggings which have excavated the ossuaries of the first century, scholars are able to find the common names of that time period. “The names of …
EDITORIAL — Moses E. Lard and Innovations
By Cecil Willis One of my favorite writers of the Restoration period is Moses E. Lard. What he had to say, he said with “punch” in it. Whatever he felt, he felt strongly. And what he felt strongly, he said strongly. It has always been difficult for me to understand how one of the most brilliant …
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