By Wallace H. Little Due to the time spent by many Filipino preachers preparing for and being with the visiting American brethren, Dudley R. Spears and James P. Needham, my mail from that nation has been sharply reduced during the last few months. Nevertheless what I have received has been a real source of joy. Consider …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Situation Ethics
By Paul K. Williams I am sure that all of us have noticed, sometimes with alarm, an erosion of the old, accepted moral values in America. Things which once were taboo have now become accepted. Sex before marriage, uttering profanity in movies and television, and even homosexuality are outstanding examples. Things just are not the same …
Archaeology and the New Testament (V)
By Mike Willis Examples of Specific Corroboration in the Gospels After showing places where archaeology has helped general information of a background nature for New Testament 9tudies and where archaeology has helped in dating the books of the New Testament, there remains the citation of instances in which specific points recorded in the New Testament have …
Profanity and Vulgarity
By Roy E. Cogdill In todays society there are any number of things that are tolerated and excused and which some even seek to justify that have always been recognized by decent and honorable people as productive of evil and no good at all. This is evident in the language that is commonly used everywhere. You …