By Mike Willis Larry Ray Haffley Leaving Corinth, Paul went to Ephesus taking with him Priscilla and Aquila. He left them at Ephesus and made a quick trip back to Antioch to report to the congregation there the affairs of his work and then returned to Ephesus where he labored three years. In Ephesus was located …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Colleges in the Budget
By Cecil Willis Larry Ray Haffley Some of our brethren are bard to convince. There are some who still think that none of the colleges is openly seeking congregational financial donations. David Lipscomb College started its preparation for brotherhood acceptance of its solicitation of congregational funds several years ago. Herald of Truth speaker, Batsell Barrett Baxter, …
McGarvey’s Advice
By Larry Ray Haffley (The following words were spoken by J. W. McGarvey to J.P. Sewell in 1902. We hope that these sad words will be of sobering benefit to all our readers. They are recorded in Biographical Sketches of Restoration Preachers, from a lecture by Sewell.) “You are on the right road, and whatever …
Many Roads to Heaven?
By Donald P. Ames Larry Ray Haffley Many times objections are raised to the fact Christ said, “The way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it.” (Matt. 7:13). These claim that such an attitude toward our fellow-man and the Bible is “narrow-minded,” and that actually all sincere people will …