“Preacher’s Daughter Stirs Beauty of Church Row”

By A.A. Granke, Jr. The West Hobbs Street church (which apparently is a liberal church) at Athens, Alabama recently received International notoriety when an Associated Press news release was printed under the above title in the Pacific Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for Armed Forces personnel in the Pacific, which is also read by U.S. civilians …

Set for the Defense Phil 1:17

By Larry Ray Hafley “The Kind of Baptist I Am” Our heading is the title of a regular series, which is written by L. D. Foreman and appears monthly in The Baptist World magazine. The section is devoted to various and sundry doctrines and practices of Missionary Baptists. After reviewing a certain aspect of Baptist teaching …

May Christians Pray This Prayer Today?

By C. D. Plum Larry Ray Haffley The commonly called “Lords Prayer,” I mean. (Matt. 6:9-13). Without wishing to be uncouth, may I say there were no Christians when the Lord told his disciples to pray this prayer. The name Christian had been promised in prophecy before Jesus gave this prayer (Isa. 62:2), but this promise …