By Roy E. Cogdill On Sunday morning, November 20, 1922, at Hobart, Oklahoma, as a boy of fifteen, I preached my first gospel sermon. That was fifty years ago and that is a long time. I was then in my last year of high school, taking some of the first year of college at the same …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
EDITORIAL – The Bill Reeves Articles
By Cecil Willis Beginning in this issue is a series of articles, which I have asked Bill Reeves to write; reviewing a new book by Brother Max King entitled The Spirit of Prophecy. Some of our readers will not see the need for such a series of articles. Others already have written me wanting to know …
“It Wont Do Any Good”
By Paul K. Williams It is no wonder so little personal work is being done. Just mention the subject, then stand back while the negative statements assail you from all directions. “No one will listen.” “They will think we are Jehovahs Witnesses… They will think we are Mormons.” “They are all Catholics… They are all Methodists.” …
Burl Russell Passes
By William R. John As I sit here in my study at 3:35 A.M. on November 5, 1972, I have mixed emotions about what I am going to write. A few short hours ago, I was called to the home of Burl E. Russell by his son-in-law after Brother Russell had breathed his last breath of …