By Bill Reeves One of Max Kings “big guns” is Rom. 4:13. “According to Paul, a promise was given to Abraham that he and his seed would inherit a world.” A-33 . . . he did not look for inheritance in the Jewish world, but rather the Christian world . . . This truth is manifest …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Subjectivism (VI): The Fellowship Smokescreen
By C.G. (Colly) Caldwell, III The ground on which the subjectivist most often chooses to defend his cause is the question of fellowship. “To whom may a Christian deny fellowship?” he asks. Those among churches of Christ are answering their own question by saying that they can deny fellowship to no one who has come into …
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Editorial – The Nature of Church Cooperation (1)
By Cecil Willis (Editors Note: Recently I spoke in Texas on the subject of Cooperation. Reuel Lemmons, editor of the FIRM FOUNDATION, responded to my remarks. Following is a copy of what I said on that occasion. I did my best to present the truth on the subject, and to expose the various errors promulgated on …
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Obedience Intelligently Performed
By Earl E. Robertson Our Lord Jesus Christ ever stressed the fact that for a sinner to come to him in obedience he must first be taught the gospel. There just is not any way to Christ without learning of him. It would appear under some circumstances a stress has been made to “baptize” before proper …