Why Are We Losing Our Young People?

By E. Riverdale Maryland Bulletin The Boulevard church of Christ in Baton Rouge recently engaged in a thorough study of the problem in that congregation. This study produced some rather interesting statistics. Over the years they found they had been losing about 38 percent of their young people. The loss figure one year was as high …

The Preterist View Heresy (V)

By Bill Reeves In this article we take up 2 Pet. 3:1-13, and elements. So obviously is this passage against Kings Preterist View that he labors hard to “explain it away,” as he utilizes his favorite devices: ignoring of contexts, and running different ones together as if they applied to the same thing, play-on-words, and misuse …

“The Traditions of My Fathers” (II)

By Larry Ray Hafley The apostle Paul once ardently advocated and passionately pursued “the traditions of my fathers,” but in the grace of Christ, he could hold only to the guaranteed gospel, the revelation of Jesus Christ. All else was a perversion to be accursed (Gal. 1:6-12). But what will men, what will family and friends …