By Dudley Spears Thomas, one of the 12 apostles, was commanded, “be not faithless but believing.” (John 20:27). Jesus taught, “He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much: and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Secondary Sources of the “Neo-Calvinistic, Unity Cult” (II)
By James W. Adams In previous articles, what I have chosen to designate as a “Neo-Calvinistic, Unity Cult” has been discussed from the standpoint of the sources from whence it springs. It has been noted that its prime movers are a number of well known extremists who have for the greater portion of their preaching lives …
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Where Are Today’s Parents?
By Michael E. Grushon It is very easy to become disconcerted about the problems that plague our society. If you read the newspaper or watch the television newscasts with any regularity, you most certainly are informed of many things that seem to be tearing the vitality and strength right out of our society. Not the least …
EDITORIAL – Still Begging
By Cecil Willis Much is being written these days about how the world is changing, and no doubt many changes have been made. Some of these changes have been improvements, and some of them have constituted a downward course. But while many things do change, many have not changed at all. Of course, some things should …