“The Beginning of Sorrows”-Again: A Reply

By Terry L. Sumerlin I trust the reader understands, as I am convinced Brother Wright does, that I am not led to reply to the articles of my good brother in Christ by a negative attitude or a feeling of animosity toward one with whom I differ. My sole purpose is, rather, to present what I …

“The Beginning of Sorrows”

By William B. Wright Due to some apparent misunderstanding of sonic of the points I advocated in my article, “The Beginning of Sorrows,” which appeared in the September 28, 1972 issue of Truth Magazine, I wish to attempt to clarify some of those misunderstandings, which have been called to my attention. This additional statement is intended …

An Introduction to the Book of Revelation (III)

By Ferrell Jenkins The Late Date Before the end of the second century Irenaeus spoke of the vision of the Apocalypse and said that it “was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitians’ reign.” (Against Heresies V: xxx: 3.) Domitian reigned from 81 A.D. to the latter …